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Item #917

Within the last 12 months, men were victims of intimate partner physical violence than women (5,365,000 vs 4,741,000).

Topic: Violence, Intimate Partner Submitted by: Found at http://www.saveservices.org/2012/02/cdc-study-more-men-than-women-victims-of-partner-abuse/


Citation: National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey: 2010 Summary Report, p. 38
Author(s): Black, M.C., Basile, K.C., Breiding, M.J., Smith, S.G., Walters, M.L., Merrick, M.T., Chen, J., Stevens, M.R.
Institution(s): Center for Disease Control

Link: https://www.cdc.gov/ViolencePrevention/pdf/NISVS_Report2010-a.pdf
File(s): http://www.mrarchivist.com/wp-content/uploads/formidable/6/NISVS_Report2010-a.pdf

Nation(s): United States
Year(s): 2010
Source: Primary
Type: Survey


Other Notes:

One-year prevalence “are considered to be more accurate [than lifetime rates] because they do not depend on recall of events long past” (Straus, 2005, p. 60) | This ratio of men to woman victims of intimate partner physical violence is not reported in the Executive Summary or other fact sheets of the NISVS survey