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Item #920

Within the last 12 months, men were more often the victims of psychological aggression from an intimate partner (55.3%, 20,548,000 of 37,126,000).

Topic: Violence, Intimate Partner Submitted by: Found at http://www.saveservices.org/2012/02/cdc-study-more-men-than-women-victims-of-partner-abuse/


Citation: National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey: 2010 Summary Report, pp. 46
Author(s): Black, M.C., Basile, K.C., Breiding, M.J., Smith, S.G., Walters, M.L., Merrick, M.T., Chen, J., Stevens, M.R.
Institution(s): Center for Disease Control

Link: https://www.cdc.gov/ViolencePrevention/pdf/NISVS_Report2010-a.pdf
File(s): http://www.mrarchivist.com/wp-content/uploads/formidable/6/NISVS_Report2010-a-1-1-1.pdf

Nation(s): United States
Year(s): 2010
Source: Primary
Type: Survey


Other Notes:

"includes expressive aggression (such as name calling, insulting or humiliating an intimate partner) and coercive control, which includes behaviors that are intended to monitor and control or threaten an intimate partner," p. 37