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Item # Topic/Issue Summary Nation(s) Year(s) Citation Institution(s)
267 Dimorphism

Childrens' toy selections (wheeled toys vs. plush toys) reflect hormonally influenced behavioral and cognitive biases without explicit gendered socialization

international 2008 Sex differences in rhesus monkey toy preferences parallel those of children Emory University, Center for Behavioral Neuroscience details
268 Dimorphism

Children explain personal toy preferences in terms of what can be done with it (55%) rather than gender-appropriateness of the toy (<1%)

United States 1982 Children's reasoning regarding sex-typed toy choices Arizona State University details
269 Dimorphism

Juvenile male rhesus monkeys engage in more rough-and-tumble play, juvenile female monkeys show a greater interest in young infants

international 2008 Sex differences in rhesus monkey toy preferences parallel those of children Emory University, Center for Behavioral Neuroscience details
270 Dimorphism

Male vervet monkeys play longer with "male" toys (car and ball) than "female" toys (doll and pot); vice versa with female monkeys; no gender differences in preference for "neutral" toys (picture book and stuffed dog)

international 2002 Sex differences in response to children's toys in nonhuman primates (Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) University of California, Los Angeles details
272 Dimorphism

Infant boys show a looking preference for mechanical motion over biological motion, while infant girls show the opposite pattern

United Kingdom 2002 Human sex differences in social and non-social looking preferences at 12 months of age University of Cambridge details
273 Dimorphism

Girls with CAH (a prenatal hormonal anomaly) strongly prefer male-typical toy play despite parental encouragement of female-typical toy play (i.e. - nature > nurture)

United Kingdom 2005 Prenatal Hormones and Postnatal Socialization by Parents as Determinants of Male-Typical Toy Play in Girls With Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia University College, London details
465 Dimorphism

Gender norms and identites are not purely social constructs

international 2009 Sex differences in sex drive, sociosexuality, and height across 53 nations: testing evolutionary and social structural theories. California State University details
547 Dimorphism

Men and women only have 10-24% overlap of personality characteristics

United States 2012 The Distance Between Mars and Venus: Measuring Global Sex Differences in Personality University of Turin, University of Manchester details
549 Dimorphism

Women have more empathy and higher altruistic values; men have more altruistic love (i.e. - sacrifice/selflessness)

United States 2006 Altruism and Empathy in America: Trends and Correlates, pp. 13-14 University of Chicago details
603 Dimorphism

Male baby chimpanzees have significantly more adult male social partners than baby female chimpanzees; there is no difference between the genders in adult female social partners

international 2014 Boys will be boys: sex differences in wild infant chimpanzee social interactions Franklin & Marshall College, Lincoln Park Zoo, The George Washington University, University of Chicago, the Jane Goodall Institute details
604 Dimorphism

Young female chimpanzees use sticks to facilitate play-mothering, which lasts until motherhood; young male chimpanzees do not exhibit such behavior

international 2010 Sex differences in chimpanzees' use of sticks as play objects resemble those of children Bates College, Harvard University details
704 Dimorphism

Women cry 2-10 times more frequently than men (2.5-5.0 times/month vs. 0.5-1.5 times/month)

international 2004 Emotional Expression and Health: Advances in Theory, Assessment, and Critical Applications details
705 Dimorphism

Gender differences in crying proneness are larger in wealthier, more democratic, and feminine countries (i.e. - freer & less "patriarchal" countries)

international 2011 Culture and Crying: Prevalences and Gender Differences Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research, Tilburg University, North-West University details
706 Dimorphism

Testosterone injections in various species of animal lowers incidence of crying

international 2001 Adult Crying: a Biophycosocial Approach, p. 100 details
711 Dimorphism

There is a large effect size (d=0.93) on the Things-People dimension, with men prefering to work with things and women prefering to work with people

United States 2009 Men and things, women and people: a meta-analysis of sex differences in interests. University of Illinois at Urbana details
712 Dimorphism

Sex differences in most psychological (and in many physical) traits are larger in cultures with more egalitarian sex role socialization and greater sociopolitical gender equity

international 2014 The evolution of sexuality Bradley University details
716 Dimorphism

Men and women deal with stress differently ("fight or flight" vs. "tend and befriend")

2005 Evolutionary and Biochemical Explanations for a Unique Female Stress Response: Tend-and-Befriend Rochester Institute of Technology details
847 Dimorphism

Among FtM transsexuals on hormone therapy, grey matter associated with language centers markedly decreased (while white matter connecting the areas increased to compensate)

Austria 2015 Neuronal plasticity of language-related brain regions induced by long-term testosterone treatment Medical University of Vienna details
848 Dimorphism

Structural connectomes of transsexuals change in opposite paths following hormone therapy

Austria 2014 Structural Connectivity Networks of Transgender People Medical University of Vienna details
901 Dimorphism

Significant sex differences in toy preferences are found in infants and toddlers (ages 9 months to 32 months), without parents being present in the room for gendered reinforcement.

United Kingdom 2016 Preferences for ‘Gender-typed’ Toys in Boys and Girls Aged 9 to 32 Months City University London, University College London details